During the event day

  1. Punctuality and Compliance: Register by 09:30 AM, complete booth setup by 10:00 AM, and adhere strictly to the event rules.

  2. Assistance and Inappropriate Behavior: Seek assistance or report any inappropriate behavior to the staff available in the vicinity at all times.

  3. Adherence to Guidelines: Ensure that the presentation and sales align with the basic rules for works, age-restricted works, and booth decoration & activities.

  4. Responsibility: Take responsibility for booth members, displayed products, burdens, and booth decorations. The applicant is considered the “booth owner” and is accountable for any damage within the booth.

  5. Photography and Video Restrictions: Photography, video recording, or live streaming within the event area is strictly prohibited without proper authorization.

  6. Presence at the Booth: Have at least one team member at the booth at all times and keep valuable belongings with you throughout the event.
    **In case of necessary personal leave, inform the on-site team to temporarily watch over the booth for approximately 10 minutes.

  7. Inactive Circles: Circles who neglect their responsibilities, such as not attending, leaving the booth unattended, not selling, or joining for other purposes, will face consequences, including disqualification from future applications.

Please adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth and organized event.

1) Show your Circle ID to the staff at the registration point.
**Cards can be shown on any electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablet devices without having to print it as a paper document

2) Registered Circles will receive 1 “Wristband” per 1 registration.
**Limited to 2 registrations per 1 SP.
**Wristbands are considered “Circle Cards” to show the right to enter-exit the event, the right to sell products at the event and the right to dress Cosplay
**Wristbands cannot be passed on or sold to other people.

3) Show your wristband every time you want to enter the event area.
** We reserve the right not to allow entry to the event. In the event that the wristband is damaged or lost

At the table of each circle ‘Circle name tags’ will be hung.
Please keep your ‘Circle Nametag’ on the ‘Booth Pole’ throughout the period of the event
And please take off the sign and bring it to the registration point when closing the booth.

Circle will be able to start selling products.
only after all the items have been inspected and approved by the staff.

After the Circle has completed their booth. Please inform the staff in your zone, to inspect the products and the order of the booth
If there is an action that violates the event’s rules. You won’t be allowed to start selling until the Circle corrects everything to the event’s rule and standard.