
The following words are jargons often mentioned in Comic Avenue-related documents. We have gathered all of them here to create more understanding among event attendees.

  1. Circle
    A candidate who is qualified for the right to exhibit his/her works with Comic Avenue.

  2. Visitor
    An event attendee who is not an exhibitor. He/She is required to pay the entrance fee.

  3. Fandom
    A combination of ‘fanclub’ and ‘kingdom’. It is a subculture that includes a big group of fans and does not require any registration or record.
  1. Official
    Owners of any kinds of copyright, such as book publishers, movie producers, music bands, or idol groups.

  2. Fanmade / Parody
    Works that are created by fans with a reference to any parts of the original, such as character designs, scenery, or locations. This kind of work has to be clearly labelled as ‘Fanmade’ or ‘Parody’.

  3. Original
    Works that are brand-new and have not been copyrighted by any publishers. All rights are reserved only for the creator(s).
    **Please DO NOT create a fanmade work of an original without permission.

  4. Anthology
    A single piece of work that is done by a group of artists or writers. The group can be both temporary or permanent.

  5. Pre-Order
    An advance reservation for goods.
    Exhibitors are allowed to collect reservations BEFORE and distribute them at the event
    To prevent fraud, pre-ordering at the event is strictly prohibited.

  6. Goods
    Works that come in forms other than books with content, such as schedulers, bookmarks, keychains, tote bags, etc.

  7. Hybrid
    Works that are not totally created by exhibitors but use parts of official goods as components, such as
    1. decorated pens/pencils
    2. photo books that contain photos of official goods, such as Nendroids, figurines, plushes, etc. This includes hybrid dolls that use parts of Nendroid/Puchi to combine with other body parts.

  8. Novelty
    Freebies that are handed out to customers without additional cost, for example, a book priced at 100 THB still costs the same even with a free tote bag.

  9. Sukebu (スケブ)
    It comes from an abbreviation of スケッチブック or Sketchbook in Japanese.
    In Japan, fans often ask their beloved artists to draw a little something in their sukebu or on that particular artist’s piece of work as a keepsake. It solely depends on the artists whether or not they will agree to do it.
  1. Commission
    Works that are paid to be done by artists, such as drawings.
    There is still no fixed rate for commissioned works. The price varies depending on details and both parties’ satisfaction.
  1. Penalty
    A punishment for those who break the event rules. It can be anything from behavior recording, a ban from selling, or a ban from participating in the next event.

Update : 5/3/2020