Rating System

**This rating system covers every kind of goods, including booth decorating materials**

Why do we need a rating system?

Due to the fact that Comic Avenue is open for those who are as young as 10 years old and over, there will be many underaged attendees. Therefore, to make our society age-appropriate, we must ask everyone to comply with these rating rules.


There are 3 levels of rating for Comic Avenue as follows:

  1. G (Genetal Audiences)
    :: Works that contain general contents and images that everyone at any age can access ::

    Contents/images may be slightly violent with no apparent injuries, strong offensive language, disturbing jokes. Acceptable fan service scenes may include a slightly blown-away skirt, a slight cleavage, an appropriate swimsuit, etc.
    Alcoholic drinks and tobacco may also be present in an appropriate manner and without any connection to underaged citizens.
    There must be no contents/images of pornography, sexual implications, sexual activities, and illegal drugs.

  2. PG-15 (Parents Strongly Cautioned)
    :: Works that are not appropriate for audiences under 15 years of age ::

    Contents may contain strong offensive language, violence that causes serious injuries, but never abusive activities, or the loss of any body parts. Sexual implications through contents, conversations, gestures, and/or attires may be slightly present without any obvious images.

  3. R-18 (Restricted)
    :: Works that are not appropriate for audiences under 18 years of age ::

    Contents/images may contain pornography, sexual implications, sexual activities, verbal and physical violence, and illegal drugs. However, it is a seller’s responsibility to pack the goods and ask for buyer’s identification before settling the sale. (Please refer to “Selling Age-restricted works”)

    with a sub-levels “R-18G (Grotesque / Violent Centent)”
    refers to works that contain content with disturbing visuals or descriptions exceeding general audience levels.
    This may have a psychological impact on viewers and includes the following elements:
    • Scenes of torture/violence, both in general and sexual violence forms.
    • Graphic depiction of dismemberment, dissection, or mutilation of organs.
    • Realistic and disturbing depictions of organs.
    • Realistic injuries causing severe harm.
    • Images featuring a significant amount of corpses or blood as elements

Product Preparation

Every single product that is considered Age-restricted works is required to be clearly labeled and needed to be packed. It can be divided into categories as follows:

  • “Goods”
    • PG-15 : Can be packed in a clear package and put on display with rate label in clear view.
    • R-18 : required to be well packaged and properly censored which doesn’t feel more nudity and must put on display with rate label in clear view.

  • “Books”
    • If the cover is labeled as rated G/PG, it can be packed in a clear package and put on display.
    • If the cover is labeled as rated R, it has to be well packaged and properly censored which doesn’t feel more nudity.


  • Sellers need to ask buyers for their identification for every sale of Age-restricted works (PG-15, R18, R18G) to make sure that they are not underaged.

  • Always have the rating side facing clearly visible.

  • Samples for books displayed on the table have to be without any rated R parts.
    If the front cover itself is rated R, an appropriate censorship must be carried out.

  • Samples for R-18 goods displayed on the table must be censored.
    Censorship must be appropriate and not make the goods look even more lewd to the eyes of audiences.
  • Packed products can be put on the table.
    However, they must NOT be opened both inside and around the event area.
